Writing an Article Easily

Whether you are just starting out with your online business or you are seasoned pro, writing and distributing articles is one of the most effective and low-cost ways to drive lots of targeted traffic to your site. Writing articles and submitting them to the article directories will get you free traffic when people click on the link in your resource box. It is also a great way to improve search engine rankings, since you will have plenty of incoming links to your site. Let's take a look at how you can get started writing articles. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Write a Top Ten List

An easy way to get started with an article is to come up with a Top Ten List. Find a topic related to your business and jot down ten reasons why someone should purchase your product or offer advice on a topic that's related to your website. Examples would be top ten ways to get your baby to sleep through the night, top ten reasons to write articles, or top ten reasons to buy car insurance. Once you have your list of ten items, write a little paragraph about each, explaining the reason in a little more detail.

Next you add an introductory paragraph that pulls the reader into your list. For example an introduction to the baby sleeping through the night article could mention how hard it is to make it through the day and how sleep deprived you are until you get your baby to sleep through the night. Then close your article either by summing up what you just told them in your top ten lists or encouraging them to act on what you just told them about.

Congratulations, you just wrote an article. Of course you can easily shorten this to a top 5 list. Just write a little more about each of your points.

Record Your Article

Some people prefer recording themselves while they are talking about a particular topic and then transcribing and editing it into an article. If you have an easier time talking about a particular topic than writing about it, this may be a great option for you. Most MP3 players now come with a record option, or you can pick up a cheap tape-recorder. Pick a topic and just start talking as if you were explaining it to a friend. Just start babbling and the ideas will start to flow. Now listen to your tape. Write down and arrange the major points you mad in order. Add an intro and a closing and you have another article.

Hire a Ghost Writer

If you are having a hard time writing articles, or just don't have the time to do it, you can still benefit from article marketing by hiring a ghostwriter. Ghost Writers will write unique articles for you that become your intellectual property. You can post them as your own work to your site, your blog, as well as the article directories. You can find a ghost writer on sites like elance. There are also some freelance writers with their own websites out there. You can usually buy articles anywhere from $5 – $65.

Write an Outline and Have Someone Else Turn it into an Article

Another option if you don't want to do all the writing yourself is for you to write a basic outline of the article and the point you want to bring across. Jot down any ideas you have for the article, then ask a friend or hire someone to flesh it out for you into an article. You may be more comfortable with passing these articles off as your own, since the content of the article was your original idea. Someone else just put it into an article format for you.

There is no reason for you not to get started with article marketing one way or the other. Get a few articles out there and then sit back and watch the traffic come in. You'll be so impressed by the results you can get even from a handful of article, you'll be writing them and submitting them all the time.
READ MORE - Writing an Article Easily

Keep Fit With Essential Fatty Acids

Why should I increase my Omega fatty acid intake?
Our intake of essential fatty acids has changed radically in the last century. Our ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 should be close to 1:1, but it is now over 10:1 and up to 20:1. This is due to the addition of corn, sunflower, safflower, sesame and other Omega-6 oils to our food supply. Such excesses are thought by many scientists to be a factor in a number of chronic medical conditions including arthritis, cardiovascular disease, asthma, acne, obesity and depression. It is clear that we need to increase our intake of Omega-3 fatty acids and decrease our intake of Omega-6 (linoleic acid) oils. By doing so we will be, look and feel healthier.

What are good fats and bad fats?
Fat is a concentrated source of energy. This source of energy is very useful during aerobic exercise. The longer the exercise, the higher the fat contribution for providing energy. Fat is particularly used in large quantities in the brain and nervous system. There are two types of fat: saturated and unsaturated. Unsaturated fats are commonly referred to as "good" fats, and should make up the greatest percentage of your fat intake.

• Unsaturated fats, "good fats" are liquid at room temperature, and remain in liquid form even when refrigerated or frozen.
• Good fats are part of the essential fats: omega 3 and omega 6, both of which are unsaturated fats.

What are EPA and DHA?
These are two specific essential fatty acids found in fish oil. Both Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) have been well documented in regulating cellular functions and promoting good health. Diets deficient in EPA and DHA have been associated with a number of health problems, most notably cardiovascular disease.

What is GLA and how is it different from other Omega-6 sources?
GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid) is an Omega-6 fatty acid found in high amounts in borage oil, and to a lesser degree in black currant and evening primrose oils. In contrast to the sunflower, safflower and other Omega-6 oils, the presence of GLA in borage oil results in very different physiological effects. Linoleic acid in its current dietary excess promotes inflammation due to the production of arachidonic acid (AA). GLA on the other hand, actually interferes with the production of AA and decreases inflammation. GLA has been used with success in treating various medical conditions, most notably rheumatoid arthritis and eczema. Emerging science also indicates that GLA has synergistic activities with the Omega-3 marine-derived DHA and EPA, particularly in cardiovascular health and fat metabolism.

We all want to be healthy, happy and fit with enough energy for work and for play. A well-balanced diet, exercise, and enough rest go a long way in helping us get the most out of life. And essential fatty acids (EFAs) have been proven to help us achieve healthier and happier lives. These good fats' truly are essential and the majority of us are not consuming enough of the well-researched Omega fats. Now getting the right amount of Omegas to suit your specific health needs is easier than ever.

Where do essential fats come from?
Sources of Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fats:
• Cold Water fish such as Salmon (coho, king and pink), sardines, cod, albacore tuna, trout, halibut , herring. (these fish are also a great source of Omega 6, but are predominantly richer in Omega 3)
• Flaxseeds and green leafy vegetables are great sources of Omega 3.
• Sesame and sunflower seeds and other seeds and nuts are great sources of Omega 6.
• Borage oil and evening primrose oil are rich sources of GLA which is part of the Omega 6 essential fats.

Where do saturated fats come from?
Saturated fats contain large amounts of saturated fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids are named so, because they are "saturated" with hydrogen, meaning they have only single bonds between carbon atoms, leaving no room in their chemical structure for additional hydrogen atoms. Saturated fats are typically solid at room temperature.

Varieties of Saturated fat include: Butter, coconut and palm oils and lard.

• aid in balancing the autoimmune system
• treats skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis
• cardiovascular health
READ MORE - Keep Fit With Essential Fatty Acids

Smart Learning Games

The scientists succeeded in developing a new computer game called 'Gorge'. This game is designed to help children in understanding, Artificial Intelligence or commonly known as Artificial Intelligence (AI), their understanding can be obtained through the games and they even can change the game as they wish. This game can also develop social interaction skills of the child.
Popular Themes
Intelligent robots become vivid and real - this is a popular theme in science fiction films. The result of his creation to escape from their creator, the creation has feelings, the result of his creation become smarter than humans, and eventually they attempt to conquer the world. The phenomenon of Artificial Intelligence, or abbreviated as AI, has attracted the attention of people even before his day Frankenstein. Researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT in Ilmenau now plans to teach the children about what it is AI. "For that, we have developed a simple computer game that we named 'Gorge." Said Prof. Klaus Peter Jantke, head of the department IDMT. "Gorge allows the children to know how the AI through the game, because children could affect her own," Gorge simple rules: Members of the team must move on a board to achieve a particular goal, just like a game of 'Ludo'. A dice is used to determine where the team members must move. Push and move the other team members are allowed - so if any member of the team move to an existing box where other team members, then the other team members were moved to the next box is empty. Intersect each other on track by vacuum box - the name of the game. One team member can pass an empty box when the other team members who assisted. Then the team members can decide whether to help other team members to come out or let him die in an empty box that had - in other words, he could put himself as a hero or a villain.
Making Rules
"The great thing of this game is not only we can fight other people. We can also play against the computer, or it could be a computer against another computer, "said Jantke" This is even more fun, because we can set how 'good' or how 'bad' computer. "For example, a player can make a rule that defines: 'If you find someone in the box, then you should always release them.' Or 'Do not ever get into the empty box.' Thus, the children can decide whether they would rather play with the opponent to play a good or evil. And they might notice what kind of behavior patterns developed by the AI engine, whether the behavior is more aggressive or more defensive. What happens if some criminals playing each other each other? Who would win if all the good players? Are all the good will always overcome evil? The children could see an interesting observation about AI and learn a lot from this game. The researchers will show a prototype at the Hannover.
READ MORE - Smart Learning Games

Learning Smart

Do you feel that learning is something that is irksome, irritating, or even scary? Are you not as smart as brothers, relatives, neighbors or even classmates your coworkers? If so, it's time you shout STOP.
Every Normal Man is born with similar brain capacity, ie 1.2 kg in men, and 200 grams less in women. This means, everyone has the same potential for success, including in terms of learning. When you've felt study hard, diligent but still not getting the desired results, it means there is something wrong with your LEARNING METHOD, or most likely you do not have a method of study at all! If so, maps of Intelligent Learning Success (mind mapping) can be an alternative method of intelligent learning-efficient and effective.
READ MORE - Learning Smart

Stimulating the Potential of the Brain child

Merangsang Potensi Otak anak - tingkat kecerdasan
encountered a lot of children who have been hours reading notes or textbooks to school but none can dihapalnya sentence. There is also a visible sat calm (quiet but notice) in class listening to teachers' explanations, but after finishing the lesson there is no recall at all that explained everything from the beginning was the teacher. if the child was really stupid?
Study Tips - Intelligence children
why can happen like that? One is because learning the wrong way on the child. According to Bobby Hartanto, M. Psi, an expert in the field of human resources, many teachers and parents who do not understand the child's learning style.
"Some people are easier to remember when learning materials provided through the pictures, there are also more like to listen to, and there's a passing movement. Beda learning styles, different well stimulation," he said in a seminar on child growth held by the Frisian flag in Jakarta (22 / 7).
For children who have auditory learning styles, children old enough to catch the lesson by listening to teacher explanations. But children need the type of visual display pictures. In contrast with the child's kinesthetic types that require movement or palpation.
"Actually it would be better if all aspects are used. Because the more varitif way, the easier child to remember material presented," he explained.
Another thing to note is the parents and educators understand how the brain works. "The human brain loves color and image. That's why a picture will be significantly more than 1000 words," he explained.
To convey a message or a specific value, Bobby suggested that given in the form of posters and colorful picture. For example to convey about the culture of queuing, honesty, and so forth.
Research shows, someone who is good stimulation, the brain more closely than people who rarely stimulated. "Density is related to the added connections between brain cells," says Bobby.
The formation of new habits will form new connections, while the repetition of the old cell will strengthen the connection. "Give children a variety of stimulation and do repetitions as often as possible in order to continue to form connections between brain cells," he said.
Certainly no less important to create an enjoyable learning atmosphere and does not cause stress in children. Do it outside of the classroom learning activities, group discussions, games interesting, and many other ways that can dig interests of the children.
READ MORE - Stimulating the Potential of the Brain child

10 Ways Smart Learning

Learning suddenly before the exam was not effective. At least one month before the test is not an ideal time for repeat studies. A lot of material that is not a problem. There are ten smart way so that when we learn to become effective.

1. Learning is understood not merely memorize

Yep, the main function is why we must learn to understand new things. We can 100% memorized every detail of the lesson, but more important is whether we have understood very well with all the material that dihapal. So before memorizing, always try to first understand the outline of lesson material.

2. Reading is the key to learning

So we can understand, at least read the new material twice a day, ie before and after the material is explained by teachers. Because the brain has to process as many as three times the material can be guaranteed to be stored long enough in our brain.

3. Noting the points lessons

Leave a lesson a long note. Take the gist or conclusion of each lesson that have been read back. These key words that will be useful when we repeat the lessons during the exam.

4. Hapalkan key words

Sometimes, inevitably we have to memorize the lesson which is quite a lot. Actually this could disiasati. Make the key words from each hapalan, so easy to remember at the time we call the brain. For example, the keyword for the names of the colors of the rainbow is MEJIKUHIBINIU, meaning red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

5. Select the appropriate study time

Learn the most convenient time is on our bodies saaat still fresh. Indeed, not all people have the time to learn the same bad lo. But usually, the morning is the perfect time to concentrate fully. Use this time to process new materials. Remnants of energy could be used to repeat a lesson and do homework.

6th. Build a comfortable learning atmosphere

Many things can create a comfortable learning atmosphere. We can select songs that match our mood. Places we can also learn to adjust. If you're bored in the room could be on the terrace or in the library. The key lest we interfere with learning activities and disturbed by the other party.

7. Forms Study Groups

Then again bored self-learning, can learn together with your friends. Do not worry a lot because it would not be effective, a maximum of five people. Create the distribution of materials for each person studied. Then each person took turns explaining the material under their control to all other members. The atmosphere of learning is usually fun and we are going to be hard to sleepy guaranteed.

8. Train our own capabilities

In fact, we can train our own brainpower. At the end of every chapter, lesson, it is usually always given practice questions. Without waiting for instructions from the teacher, try to answer all these questions and check the extent of our ability. If the material is not the answer in the book, try to ask the teacher.

9. Develop materials that have been learned

If we had repeated the material and answer all the practice questions, do not immediately close the book. Try our critical thinking in the style of a scientist. Make several questions that have not been included in the exercises. Ask the teacher to answer. If not satisfied, find the answer in other reference books or the Internet. In this way invites us to always think ahead and critical.

10. Take time to rest

Learning may be hard, but do not forget to rest. If in class, every lesson to use to relax the rest of body and mind. Every 30-45 minutes of study time at home we are always snacks with a break. If the mind is whole, it's useless to impose themselves. After the break, a fresh body and brain are ready to accept new material.

One again, the purpose of the test and the test is to measure the extent of our ability to understand the subject matter in school. Besides answering practice questions, there is another way to test whether we have understood in a material or not. Let us explain with words alone every material that has been studied. If we can explain clearly and regularly - no need to detail - means that we already understand.
READ MORE - 10 Ways Smart Learning

Assessment of Learning Outcomes

A. Understanding Evaluation, Measurement, Test and Assessment

Many people mix up the notion of evaluation, measurement , test and assessment, whereas the fourth has a different understanding. Evaluation is identifying activities to see if a program has been planned have been achieved or not, valuable or not, and also to see the level of efficiency in implementation. Evaluation of decisions related to value (value judgment). Stufflebeam (Abin Makmun Shamsuddin, 1996) memengemukakan that: educational evaluation is the process of delineating, obtaining, and Providing useful, information for judging decision alternatives. Stufflebeam of view, we can see that the essence of the evaluation of the interests of providing information for decision making. In education, we can carry out evaluation of the new curriculum, an education policy, specific learning resources, or work ethics of teachers.

Measurement is the process of granting or business figures obtained from a numerical description of the extent to which learners have achieved a certain characteristic.

Assessment is implementing a variety of ways and using various assessment tools to obtain information on the extent of learning outcomes or achievement for learners competence (range of ability) learners. Assessment to answer questions about how well the result or achievement of a participant didik.Hasil value assessment can be qualitative (narrative statement in words) and quantitative value (a number). Measurements associated with the process of finding or determination of the quantitative value.

The test is a way of assessment is designed and implemented to students at a particular time and place and under conditions that meet certain requirements are clear.

Specifically, in the context of learning in the classroom, assessment is conducted to determine the progress and results of study of students, diagnosing learning difficulties, provide feedback / improvement of teaching and learning process, and determining the increase of the classroom. Through the assessment can be obtained accurate information about the organization of teaching and learning success of students, teachers, and the learning process itself. Based on that information, we can make decisions about learning, learners difficulties and the effort necessary guidance and presence of itself kurikukulum.

B. Assessment objectives

Assessment has a very important purpose in learning, such as for grading, selection, knowing the level of mastery of competencies, counseling, diagnosis, and prediction.

1. For grading, the assessment is intended to define or distinguish the position of student work compared with other learners. This assessment will indicate the position of students in the sequence compared with other children. Therefore, the function of assessment for the grading tends to compare the child with other children so that more refer to the assessment of reference norm (norm-referenced assessment).
2. As a selection tool, intended for separate assessment of incoming students in a particular category and what does not. Learners are allowed to enter certain schools or who are not allowed. In this case, the assessment function to determine a person can enter or not a particular school.
3. To illustrate the extent to which a student has mastered the competencies.
4. As guidance, the assessment aims to evaluate the results of study of students in order to help learners understand themselves, make decisions about next steps, both to program selection, personality development and for the majors.
5. As a means of diagnosis, assessment of learning aims to show the difficulties experienced by learners and the possibility of achievement that can be developed. This will help teachers determine if someone needs remidiasi or enrichment.
6th. As a means of prediction, assessment aims to obtain information that can predict how the performance of students in the next education level or in suitable employment. Examples of this assessment is the scholastic aptitude tests or tests of academic potential.

From the sixth objective assessment, in order to see the level of mastery of competencies, mentoring, and diagnostics is a major role in the assessment.

In accordance with these objectives, the assessment requires teachers to directly or indirectly capable of carrying out the assessment in the overall learning process. To assess how far the students have mastered a variety of competencies, of course various types of assessment needs to be given in accordance with the competencies to be assessed, such as performance , assignment (project), works (products), a collection of students' work (portfolio) , and a written assessment (paper and pencil test). So the purpose of assessment is to provide feedback information about the results of comprehensive study of students, both viewed as the learning activities take place and when viewed from the end result, using various ways in accordance with the competency assessment that is expected to reach learners.

C. Assessment Approach

There are two approaches that can be used in assessment of learning outcomes, namely the assessment which refers to the norm (Norm Reference Assessment or norm-referenced assessment) and assessment criteria refer to (Reference Assessment Criteria or criterion referenced assessment). The second difference lies in the approach of the references used. In the assessment, which refers to the norms, interpretation of assessment results of students associated with the assessment of all students assessed with the same assessment tool. So the results of all students is used as a reference. Meanwhile, referring to the assessment criteria or standards, interpretation of the results of the assessment depends on whether or to what extent a learner to achieve or master the criteria or standards that have been determined. Criteria or benchmarks were formulated in the competencies or learning outcomes in competency-based curriculum.

In the implementation of competency-based curriculum, assessment approach used is based on the assessment criteria or a benchmark. In this case the learner achievement is determined by the criteria established for mastery of a competency. However, sometimes the norm reference assessment can be used for certain specific purposes in accordance with their uses, such as for selecting learners into study group and which, for grouping students in learning activities, and for selecting students who represent the school in inter-race school.

D. Scope of Learning Outcomes Assessment

Student learning outcomes can be classified into three domains, namely: (1) cognitive domain (knowledge or language that includes intelligence and wit logic - mathematics), (2) affective domain (attitudes and values or that include intelligence and interpersonal intrapersonal intelligence, in other words, emotional intelligence), and (3) psychomotor domain (skills or that include kinesthetic intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence and musical intelligence).

The extent to which each of these domains contribute to a successful person in work and life? Multi-intelligence data of the research shows that intelligence language and logic-mathematical intelligence are included in the cognitive domain has a contribution only amounted to 5%. Interpersonal intelligence and intrapersonal intelligence which affective domain includes a very large contribution is 80%. While kinesthetic intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence and musical intelligence are included in the psychomotor domain contribute 5%

However, in the praxis of education in Indonesia is reflected in the teaching-learning process and rating, a very dominant instead emphasized the cognitive domain. This domain is mainly reflected in four groups of subjects, namely language, mathematics, science, and social sciences. Psychomotor domain is mainly reflected in the subjects of physical education, skills, and tend to be underrated art. Similarly, this happens in the affective domain is particularly reflected in the subjects of religion and nationality.

So that the emphasis in developing this domain third-adjusted proportion of each domain contribute to the success in your work and life, teachers need to understand the meaning and domain of each level and how to apply them in the teaching-learning process and rating.

Paradigm shift in education from the constructivist Behavioristic not only requires a change in the learning process, but also include changes in implementing the student learning assessment. In the old paradigm, more emphasis on the assessment of learning outcomes (product) and tend to only assess cognitive abilities, which are sometimes reduced in such a way through the form of an objective test. Meanwhile, the assessment of affective and psychomotor aspects often ignored.

In constructivism-based learning, learning assessment is not only intended to measure the level of cognitive ability alone, but includes all aspects of student's personality, such as: moral development, emotional development, social development and other aspects of the personality of other individuals. Similarly, the assessment does not only rely on the assessment of products, but also consider the terms of the process.

All this requires a change in approach and techniques assessing student learning. For this reason, the National Education Ministry (2006) launched the signs student learning assessment, with what is called the Appraisal Class.
READ MORE - Assessment of Learning Outcomes

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